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Our Mission

To rescue and provide sanctuary to farmed animals and inspire change in how society views and treats these wonderful souls.

We're a 501(c)(3) Animal Rescue Farm and Organization 

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We're the Fuller-Wiggs!

Love fuels the sanctuary and love started the sanctuary. We (Angela and Chris, co-founders) and our 4 dogs closed on our first home in 2016 in South Austin. One week after moving in we rescued our first farm animal residents, Bertha and Cookie, a mother/daughter pair. The party really started not long after when we rescued Doya the Pig! Our dream had been realized and our passion ignited. We began rescuing more animals and building the family you will find on our resident's page today.


After two moves and expansion to 95 acres, Austin Farm Sanctuary is now home to over 200 loved residents and counting. A LOT has gone into Austin Farm Sanctuary over the past 8 years and we are incredibly overwhelmed by the support that has allowed our dreams to flourish. We love growing our farm family and encourage you to donate, volunteer and/or visit to support these amazing animals. Thank you for your interest in Austin Farm Sanctuary. We look forward to saving lives with you.


Chris + Angela


We strive to create a positive relationship between people and farmed animals. Through this we hope to encourage mindfulness and shift the way society perceives, values and treats them. We inform people of the horror that is the modern day farm industry and educate on the personal health and environmental benefits of a plant-based/vegan lifestyle.




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Our History

Just like all good stories, ours begins with love, 2 goats and a pig


In September of 2016 we purchase our first home together in South Austin. A week after moving in we welcome 2 rescued goats, Bertha and Cookie, a mother/daughter pair into the family. 


Time to shake things up! Doya the Pig joins the family at the beginning of the year and changes the game. Doya joining the family inspires the dream of Austin Farm Sanctuary. Shortly after, we are approved as an official 501c3 Non-Profit under the name "Fuller-Wigg Farms Animals Sanctuary". The ball is rolling, as they say, and we add a number of feathered, hooved and furry friends to the ever growing family.


Movin on up, to the far East Side, Cedar Creek TX. Needless to say, that 1/2 acre in South Austin was starting to get pretty full, so we move a little outside of town to get more land. With more land means new residents and lives to save. At the end of the year we host our first volunteer day with our first supporters the central Texas volleyball community.


Starting off the year with a bang! Bo Diddley and Reba are rescued in January and a few weeks later Reba gives birth to Valentine (on Valentine's Day). Valentine becomes the first baby of the sanctuary. We have our first "on-camera" experiences and appear on the show "1stLookTV" on NBC and "Baby Hers", an independent documentary exposing the dairy industry.


Go big or go home, right? In January we make the road trip over to Arkansas to rescue Jessie, Sydney and Dexter. A TV crew from CBS All Access joins us for the adventure as they film us for a series named "That Animal Rescue Show". In March, the pandemic tuns 2020 upside down, but we remain determined to flourish during this time and adapt to this new situation. Growing our online presence brings us many opportunities, including an appearance on "Dr. Phil".  We continue to thrive and build upon our virtual community engagement.


Our History

Just like all good stories, ours begins with love, 2 goats and a pig

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In September of 2016 Chris and Angela purchased their first home together in South Austin. A week after moving in they welcomed 2 rescued goats, Bertha and Cookie. At the start of 2017, Doya the Pig joined the family, inspiring the dream of Austin Farm Sanctuary. The ball got rolling when we were approved as an official 501c3 Non-Profit under the name "Fuller-Wigg Farms Animals Sanctuary" and a number of feathered, hooved, and furry friends began joining the farm family.


Needless to say, that 1/2 acre in South Austin was starting to get pretty full, so we moved a little outside of town to get more land (5 acres). With more land came new residents and lives to save. At the end of 2018 we hosted our first volunteer day with the central Texas volleyball community. Starting off 2019 with a bang, Bo Diddley and Reba are rescued in January. A few weeks later Reba gives birth to Valentine, the first baby of the sanctuary. We have our first "on-camera" experiences and appear on the show "1stLookTV" on NBC and "Baby Hers". In January 2020 we make the road trip to Arkansas to rescue Jessie, Sydney and Dexter. A TV crew from CBS All Access joins us for the adventure as they film us for a series named "That Animal Rescue Show". Through the pandemic we grew our online presence which brought us many new opportunities including an appearance on "Dr. Phil". Throughout 2021 we took in over 30 new residents, most of which were sick or abandoned babies. Consisting of chicks, ducklings, goat kids, piglets, and a calf. With even more residents (85 individuals) we needed even more land. The search began and we landed 40 acres in Paige, TX (about 1 hour east of Austin). The cow herd made their big move in July 2021 while we focused on building the infrastrucutre for everyone else for the rest of the year.



Austin Farm Sanctuary has had an incredible history, full of community, growth, love, and opportunity. Thus far in 2024 we have had rescue mission across the country including our first ever water buffalo residents joining us from Northern California. Our various education programs, like Leaders for the Environment (LEAP), are in full swing with more opportunities rolling out this Fall. Come join in on the fun. Join our Newsletter to stay in touch. And, of course, join our Farmily of monthly sustainers who make so much of this work possible.

By April of 2022 we had built the new AFS and moved all of the residents. During this time we began renting 40 acres on the north of the sanctuary and the Fuller-Wiggs bought 15 acres next door. With 95 acres of land, we continued to grow our mission, the capacity of animals we could care for, and the types of rescue challenges we could take on. We built our first Medical Barn which saved and homed over 30 individuals in it's first year. During this time we had some of our largest rescue missions and covered a lot of ground saving animals from all over the country (cows from Oklahoma and Arkansas, chickens from New York, and many more). By the end of 2023 our community was bigger than ever. We had incredibly successful events, our volunteer team grew tremendously, and our donors grew in numbers and their impact. At the end of 2023 AFS was home to about 200 individuals across 12+ species. Finally settled in our new home we released our first ever annual impact report.

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"Protecting animals reveals the compassionate side of every person no matter how deep it's hidden. They are the most vulnerable beings in the world, and I can't imagine life without them."

Pierce, AFS Volunteer

Austin Farm Sanctuary September 2020 (ed

"Volunteering at Austin Farm Sanctuary puts my values into action. It’s a meaningful way for me to spend my time while bringing me so much happiness! I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to get to know the sweet animals in their care. It’s truly my happy place!"

Cameron, AFS Volunteer


"When I donate to Austin Farm Sanctuary, I truly experience a personal connection to these amazing animals. I feel like I am doing something I am part of the reason they are able to have a happy, healthy home.
They need us...and I’m glad to be able to help them."

Tiger, AFS Volunteer


Views From the Farm

Give him something to squeal about.

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